Cloth and Steel 1 1989

Cloth and Steel 1 1989

#0542. 28w x 7h x 4d. Cloth and Steel. 5 pieces.

Cloth and Steel 2 1989

Cloth and Steel 2 1989

#0545. 28w x 7h x 4d. Cloth and Steel. 5 pieces.

Ecco I 1995

Ecco I 1995

Ecco I composite #1586. 92w x 5h x 8.5d.  Welded steel. 12 pieces.

Cubic Progression II 1991

Cubic Progression II 1991

#1190. 107w x 9h x 8d. Welded Steel. 9 pieces.

Jumping Trapazoids 2004

Jumping Trapazoids 2004

#1532. 89w x 15.5h x 8d. Welded Steel. 3 pieces.

Bridge Variation 1993

Bridge Variation 1993

#1435. 50w x 18.5h x 4.5d. Welded steel. 6 pieces.

Tavolino II 1997

Tavolino II 1997

#1710 comb. 92w x 6h x 4.5d . Steel.5 pieces.

CubeSphere 1992

CubeSphere 1992

#1289. 65w x 6.5h x 6d. Welded steel. 9 pieces.

Egress 1995

Egress 1995

#1351. 43w x 17.5h x 6.5d. Welded steel, wood. 5 pieces.

Colligraphic Progression 1992

Colligraphic Progression 1992

#1197. 49w x 9h x 6d. Welded steel. 5 pieces

On small photo named Glyphix 1991. Left 3 pieces are rotated CW 90 degrees.

Hexahedrix 1992

Hexahedrix 1992

#1477. 45w x 9h x 9d. Welded steel. 7 pieces.

Hexahedrix 1992

Hexahedrix 1992

Helene Drive. 45w x 9h x 9d. Welded steel. 7 pieces

Large Hexihedrix

Large Hexihedrix

#1773 comb. 90w x 18h x 12 d. Welded steel

Night Vision 1993

Night Vision 1993

#1729 Comb. 70w x 5h x 7d. Welded steel. 7 pieces

Winged Transformation 2004

Winged Transformation 2004

#1658. 50w x 10.5h x 27d. Welded steel. 4 pieces.

Winged Transformation 2004

Winged Transformation 2004

#1881. 50w x 10.5h x 27d. Welded steel. 4 pieces.

Tango 1990

Tango 1990

Comb. 16h x 20w x 10d (provisional). Welded steel.

Daydreams 1994

Daydreams 1994

Composite. 87.5w x 8.5d x 5h. Welded steel.7 pieces.

Ecco III 1992

Ecco III 1992

#1747 Comb.60w x 8h x 4d. Welded Steel. 9 pieces

Triangular Foldings Large 1885

Triangular Foldings Large 1885

#1281. 48w x 9h x 5d. Wire and paper. 5 pieces.

Inversion 1991

Inversion 1991

#1772 comb.  Welded steel.

Curvilinear Descent 2004

Curvilinear Descent 2004

#1756 comb.78w x 17.5h x 13d. Welded steel, wood base (not shown)

Curva 1992

Curva 1992

31466. 55l x 7.5h x 6d. Welded steel. 7 pieces.

Triangular Folding small 1995

Triangular Folding small 1995

#1278. 48w x 4.5h x 2.5d. Wire, paper. 6 pieces.

Plastic Tavolino

Plastic Tavolino

#1725. Rubber, plastic, branches.

Capriola 1990

Capriola 1990

Photo. 69w x 13h x 8d. Welded Steel

36-arches 1992.png

Cloth and Steel 1 1989

#0542. 28w x 7h x 4d. Cloth and Steel. 5 pieces.

Cloth and Steel 2 1989

#0545. 28w x 7h x 4d. Cloth and Steel. 5 pieces.

Ecco I 1995

Ecco I composite #1586. 92w x 5h x 8.5d.  Welded steel. 12 pieces.

Cubic Progression II 1991

#1190. 107w x 9h x 8d. Welded Steel. 9 pieces.

Jumping Trapazoids 2004

#1532. 89w x 15.5h x 8d. Welded Steel. 3 pieces.

Bridge Variation 1993

#1435. 50w x 18.5h x 4.5d. Welded steel. 6 pieces.

Tavolino II 1997

#1710 comb. 92w x 6h x 4.5d . Steel.5 pieces.

CubeSphere 1992

#1289. 65w x 6.5h x 6d. Welded steel. 9 pieces.

Egress 1995

#1351. 43w x 17.5h x 6.5d. Welded steel, wood. 5 pieces.

Colligraphic Progression 1992

#1197. 49w x 9h x 6d. Welded steel. 5 pieces

On small photo named Glyphix 1991. Left 3 pieces are rotated CW 90 degrees.

Hexahedrix 1992

#1477. 45w x 9h x 9d. Welded steel. 7 pieces.

Hexahedrix 1992

Helene Drive. 45w x 9h x 9d. Welded steel. 7 pieces

Large Hexihedrix

#1773 comb. 90w x 18h x 12 d. Welded steel

Night Vision 1993

#1729 Comb. 70w x 5h x 7d. Welded steel. 7 pieces

Winged Transformation 2004

#1658. 50w x 10.5h x 27d. Welded steel. 4 pieces.

Winged Transformation 2004

#1881. 50w x 10.5h x 27d. Welded steel. 4 pieces.

Tango 1990

Comb. 16h x 20w x 10d (provisional). Welded steel.

Daydreams 1994

Composite. 87.5w x 8.5d x 5h. Welded steel.7 pieces.

Ecco III 1992

#1747 Comb.60w x 8h x 4d. Welded Steel. 9 pieces

Triangular Foldings Large 1885

#1281. 48w x 9h x 5d. Wire and paper. 5 pieces.

Inversion 1991

#1772 comb.  Welded steel.

Curvilinear Descent 2004

#1756 comb.78w x 17.5h x 13d. Welded steel, wood base (not shown)

Curva 1992

31466. 55l x 7.5h x 6d. Welded steel. 7 pieces.

Triangular Folding small 1995

#1278. 48w x 4.5h x 2.5d. Wire, paper. 6 pieces.

Plastic Tavolino

#1725. Rubber, plastic, branches.

Capriola 1990

Photo. 69w x 13h x 8d. Welded Steel

Cloth and Steel 1 1989
Cloth and Steel 2 1989
Ecco I 1995
Cubic Progression II 1991
Jumping Trapazoids 2004
Bridge Variation 1993
Tavolino II 1997
CubeSphere 1992
Egress 1995
Colligraphic Progression 1992
Hexahedrix 1992
Hexahedrix 1992
Large Hexihedrix
Night Vision 1993
Winged Transformation 2004
Winged Transformation 2004
Tango 1990
Daydreams 1994
Ecco III 1992
Triangular Foldings Large 1885
Inversion 1991
Curvilinear Descent 2004
Curva 1992
Triangular Folding small 1995
Plastic Tavolino
Capriola 1990
36-arches 1992.png