Studio: 530 Nipperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY 10702 

BORN:1936, Philadelphia, Pa. Died August 27, 2013.

1975-76 Certificate of Advanced Studies, St. Martin's School of Art, London, England.
1973-75 MFA Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
1965-70 BA in Fine Arts,City College, City University of New York.

2009 Saci Gallery, Florence, Italy. "Biological Transformations."
2007 Humanities Gallery, Long Island University/Brooklyn Campus. 
 "The Phoenix, The Traveler, and the Acrobat."
2006 Humanities Gallery, Long Island University/Brooklyn Campus 
 "Helene Brandt:Cages 1979-1984".
2004 Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami, Florida“Helene Brandt: Progressions”
2003 Azarian McCullough Art Gallery, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, 
 New York, “Helene Brandt: imbodiments” 
2003 Tyler Art Gallery, State University of New York at Oswego, "The Sculpture of Helene Brandt - Body Enclosures 1999-2003, Mondrial Variations 1995-6"
2001 Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami, Florida. "The Progression Sculptures of 
 Helene Brandt"
1999 Steinbaum Krauss Gallery, N.Y.C., “Open Sanctuaries - New Work”.
1998 Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, Netherlands. “Mondrian Variations”.
1996 Steinbaum Krauss Gallery, N.Y.C, "Shifting in and out of the Third 
 Dimension: Mondrian Variations 1995-96, Cage Sculptures 1979-83".
1995 The Gallery of Contemporary Art, Sacred Heart Univ., Fairfield, Conn. 
 "Paths of Vision".
1994-95 The Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Virginia, "Helene Brandt".
1994 Memorial Union Art Gallery, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, 
 "Joyfully Realized, the Steel Sculpture of Helene Brandt".
1994 Atelier Scuderi, Bagno-a-Ripoli, Florence, Italy, "Helene Brandt".
1993 Steinbaum Krauss Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Architectonic Evolutions: Sculpture 
 and Drawings.
1991-92 Hudson River Museum, Yonkers,N.Y. "Progressions and Processions."
1991 Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Progressions: Sculpture and Drawings 
1989 Trabia-MacAfee Gallery,N.Y.,N.Y. "New Sculpture".
1987 Penna. Academy of Fine Arts,Phila,Pa. "Sculpture and Drawings".
1985 A.I.R. Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Sculpture and Drawings" .
1984 Nassau County Museum, Roslyn, N.Y. "Viewpoints". 
1984 Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx. N.Y. "Sculpture".
1983 Staten Island Children's Museum, Staten Island,N.Y. 
 "Bicycle SoundSculptures". 
1983 Queens Museum, Flushing, N.Y."Sculpture and painted wall constructions".
1982 M.O.A. Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Sculptural Metaphors". 
1982 Sculpture Center, N.Y.,N.Y. "Machines and Sanctuaries" .
1980 Women's Interart Center, N.Y.,N.Y., "Cage Sculptures".
1973 Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, N.Y., "Five Solos". 

2006 Leroy Neiman Gallery. Columbia University, New York, N.Y.“From Postwar 
 to Postmodernism, three decades of Columbia Visual Artists”Catalog
2006 Krasdale Gallery. Bronx, NY “Best of the Bronx”, cat. illus.
2005 Owensboro Museum of Fine Art, Owensboro, Kentucky “2005 Riverbend 
 Sculpture Biennial”
2005 UBS Art Gallery, New York, NY, “Along the Way:MTA Arts for Transit”
2005 Longwood Art Gallery, Bronx, NY, “BX1: First Annual Bronx Artists Festival”
2004 Wave Hill, Bronx, NY,“Enchantment at the Edge of the Woods”, (cat. illus.).
2004 Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami, Florida, “This is for the Birds”, 
 traveling invitational of bird houses (cat. illus.).
2004 FineArts Gallery, Westchester Community College: “Helene Brandt & Linda 
 Lichtenstein: Line, Figure,Enclosures”
2003 Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY“Bronx Public Art: The Spotlight 
2003 Center For Architecture, NY,NY“Going Public:Public Projects”
2003 Collaborative Concepts, Beacon, New York “Sticks and Stones 2” 
 curated by Grace Knowlton
2002 Berliner Kunst Project, Berlin, Germany, “Unforgettable- Proposals for 
 Monuments to 9/11”
2002 University Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, “Women on the 
2002 five miles, Brooklyn NY, "Artists Small and Tall".
2002 Berliner Kunst Project, Berlin Germany, "Unforgetable".
2002 University Gallery, University of Flordia, Gainesville FL, "Women on the 
2000 Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY, “Welded! Sculpture of the Twentieth 
2000 Five Myles, Brooklyn, N.Y. “Confluence: Artist's Books at Five Myles” 
 Curator: Marian Griffiths.
1999 Here Here Gallery, Cleveland, OH, “There but for the grace of...Temporary
1998 Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado “Selections from Soho”.
1997 Hostos Art Gallery, Bronx, N.Y. "Four Women in Form" (cat. illus.).
1996-97 Aqua Marine Sculpture Garden, N.Y., N.Y. "Til Spring Thaw".
1996 Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y., "X-Sightings '96".
1995 Islip Museum of Art, Islip, N.Y., "Creation/Recreation".
1995 Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor, Staten Island, N.Y., 
 "In Three Dimensions: Women Sculptors of the 90's" (cat. illus.).
1995 Long Island Univ., Brooklyn Campus, Brooklyn, N.Y., "Six Sculptors".
1994 The Gallery of Contemporary Art, Sacred Heart University Fairfield, Conn. 
 "The Figure in Black and White," (cat., illus.).
1994 Staten Island Children's Museum, Staten Island, N.Y. "Adventures in Three 
1992 Still life Gallery, Santa Monica, Calif. "Curators Choice".
1992 Graham Modern, New York City, "Works on Paper". 
1991 Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, Mexico, "El Sueno de 
 Egipto: La Influencia del Arte Egiptio en el Arte Contemporaneo"
1991 Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico "Lineas di Vision".
1990 Padiglione Ex Avicolo,Florence,Italy,"Arteria 90"(cat.illus.).
1990 Galleria Atelier, Carrara, Italy.
1990 Villa Rucellai, Prato, Italy. 
1990 Chiesino di San Ambrogio, Prato, Italy.
1990 Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Caracas,Venuzuela,"Lineas de Vision".
1990 Deson-Saunders Gallery,Chicago,Ill. "Structures".
1989 Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Gardens Real and Imagined", 
 traveling exhibition through.1993 (cat.,illus.). 
1989 Blum Helman Warehouse, N.Y.,N.Y. "Lines of Vision:Drawings by Women"
 (cat.illus.).Traveling show.
1988 Fort Wayne Museum of Art,Fort Wayne,Indiana,"Earthly Delights"(cat.illus.).
1988 Hillwood Art Gallery,Brookville,N.Y."Inside/Out"(cat.,illus.).
1988 Art Awareness Gallery, Brookville, N.Y. "The Civilized Life, An 
 Alternative Look at Architecture".
1988 Pratt Manhattan Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y., "Fantasists' Realities".
1987 Municipal Plaza, Phila.Pa. "Public Art on the Plaza".
1987 Longwood Arts Gallery,Bronx,N.Y.,"Above It All".
1987 Snug Harbor, Staten Island,N.Y. "OIA Tenth Anniversary Outdoor Sculpture 
1986 Hal Bromm Gallery,N.Y.,N.Y. "Home Sweet Home".
1986 Parsons Fine Arts Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y. "Two Sculptors".
1986 Newhouse Gallery, Snug Harbor, Staten Island,N.Y. "New Liberty Monuments".
1985 Penn's Landing, Phila., Pa. "Sculpture/Penn's Landing/85".
1984 Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, Pa."Sculpture to Touch". 
1984 Newhouse Gallery, Snug Harbor, Staten Island,N.Y. "Sculpture Garden Two: 
 Maquettes and 1984 Drawings from South Beach".
1984 Pratt Institute Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y., "Baubles - Jewelry By Artists".
1984 Sculpture Center, N.Y.,N.Y., "Drawings by Sculptors".
1984 Thorpe Intermedia Gallery, Sparkill,N.Y.,"Architecture/Sculpture 
1983 South Beach Sculpture Garden, Staten Island,N.Y. "Sculpture GardenTwo" 
 Through 1984.
1983 Madison Ave., N.Y.,N.Y. "Art Parade".
1983 Thorpe Intermedia Gallery, Sparkill,N.Y. "Humor and Play in Art".
1983 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn,N.Y. "Bridges"(cat.,illus.).
1983 City Gallery, Department of Cultural Affairs, N.Y.,N.Y. "Spare Parts" 
 (cat. illus.).
1982 Alternative Museum,N.Y.,N.Y. "Mixed Bag" (cat.,illus.).
1982 Gallery Yves Arman, N.Y.,N.Y., "Group Show".
1982 Nassau County Museum, Roslyn,N.Y., "Discovery Room".
1981 Just Above Midtown/Downtown Gallery,N.Y.,N.Y."Turnabout".
1981 Ward's Island. N.Y.,N.Y. "Sculpture Garden".
1980 Sculpture Center,N.Y.,N.Y. "Discovery-Rediscovery".
1979 Manhattan Lab Museum,N.Y.,N.Y. "Inaugural Exhibition".
1979 Buecker & Harpsichords, N.Y.,N.Y. "To the Body".
1978 Gallery at Hastings-on-Hudson,Hastings,N.Y."Hands Off/On".
1976 Harlow Gallery,Harlow, England "Sculptors from St. Martins" 1976 
 International Art Centre, London, England "New Contemporaries".
1976 St. Martin's School of Art, London, England "Group Show".
1974 Art Barn, Greenwich, Conn. "Four Artists" .
1974 Briarcliff College, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. "7 Sculptors".
2003 New York City Masterwork Awards, Municipal Art Society; Metropolitan 
 Transportation Authority Public Art in Subways Project.
1997 Residency, Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, New York.
1991 BRIO Excellence in the Arts Award.
1985-86 Guggenheim Fellowship.
1980 National Endowment for the Arts, Artist in Residence Grant, 
 Northern State College, Aberdeen, South Dakota. 
1972 Hudson River Museum, Purchase Award. 
1982 "Temporary Sculpture-New York", outdoor work of New York sculptors. 
 Director: Beth Phillips (film/video 30 min/color).
1977 "Bicycle Music", a documentary film about the sound sculptures of Helene 
 Brandt. Director: Tom Coyne, music: Alice Shields (l6mm/l5 min - color).
1999 “Helene Brandt - Open Sanctuaries: New Work”. video by George Lamboy, 
 interview by Bernice Steinbaum, Regal Entertainment (video/color/15 min).
1996 "Helene Brandt- Shifting in and out of the Third Dimension: Mondrian 
 Variations.1995-96.Cage Sculptures 1979-83", video by George Lamboy, 
 interview by Bernice Steinbaum, Regal Entertainment (video/color/15 min).
1993 "Helene Brandt - Architectonic Evolutions-Sculpture and Drawings: 1992-93",interview by Bernice Steinbaum, video by George Lamboy, 
 Regal Entertainment (video/color/15min).
1991 "Helene Brandt: Progressions- Sculpture and Drawings 1989-91", Interview 
 by Bernice Steinbaum, video by Stuart McClelland (video/color/20 min)..

1980 (Sat. May 3rd) KABY-TV (NBC) Aberdeen, South Dakota "Party Line" an 
 interview with Helene Brandt by Elaine Wyly (15 min). 
1998 (Sat. February 7) Netherland News. Interview with Helene Brandt 5 min).
1995 (Wed. January 11, 10:30 am WHRV-FM, Norfolk, Va.) Interview of 
 Helene Brandt by Lisa M. Murray (15 min).
1991 (Sun. November 10) WKCR-FM New York City. "Studio A" An interview of 
 Helene Brandt by Jane Iodipaolo including reading of the short stories 
 of Helene Brandt (1 hour).
1980 Artspeak, NY. NY. Feb. 14,l980 Sculpture Uptown "Cage Sculptures ofHelene 
 Brandt", Abby Zito (illus.) American News, Aberdeen, South Dakota, 
 April 30,l980 "Cages of Helene Brandt Mean a Variety of Things", 
 Betsy Rice (illus.).
1981 New York Times, Sunday, Dec. 6, l981 "Helene Brandt's 'Trike Drum'" 
 Photograph on cover of (The Guide) section.
1982 New Yorker Magazine, March 22, 1982, Gallery Reviews "Helene Brandt"
 M.O.A. Newsletter August 1982 (M. Okada Cultural Assoc.) 
 "Helene Brandt - Sculptural Metaphores".
1983 Newsday, Feb. 28, 1983 "Helene Brandt. Sculpture and painted wall 
 constructions at the Queens Museum", Malcolm Preston (illus.). 
 The Phoenix, Brooklyn,N.Y. April 11,l983 "HeleneBrandt's Musical Sculpture 
 at the Brooklyn Children's Museum (illus.).
1984 Riverdale Press, Thurs. April 5, l984 "Helene Brandt: Sculpture at the 
 Bronx Museum (illus.).
 New York Times, April 6, l984 "Welded sculptures by Helene Brandt", 
 Michael Brenson (illus.).
 Arts Magazine, Oct. l984 (Vol.59 No.2,p.l3) "Helene Brandt", 
 by Mina Roustayi (illus.). 
1985 New York Times, Sept. 20,1985 "Helene Brandt", Michael Brenson.
1987 Phila.Inquirer,Sept.24,l987 "Helene Brandt", Edward J.Sozanski(illus.).
 Art News, Dec. 1987 (Vol.866,No. 10, P.127) "Gabo's Progeny" 
 by Cynthia Nadelman (illus.).
1989 New York Times, Fri. May 12, l989 "Helene Brandt", Michael Brenson.
1991 New York Times, Sun. Nov. 10, 1991 "Progressions and Processions at the 
 Hudson River Museum" Vivien Raynor.
1992 Bronx Beat, April 24, 1992 "Riverdale Sculptor's Animated Steel Art Wins 
 Prizes, Kids' Kudos", Michele Shapiro (illus.).
1994 La Reppublica, Florence, Italy, June 4, 1994 "Artisti in Viaggio".
 The Spectrum, Fargo, North Dakota, August 30, 1994, "Steel art comes 
 alive - NY artist displays work at SU", Krista Olstad, (Illus.).
 The Chrysler Museum Bulletin, Fall 1994, Vol 24, No.4 "Helene Brandt, 
 Parameters Galleries - Nov.19,1994 through February 19, 1995 (Illus).
 Daily Press, Norfolk, Va. Sunday December 4, 1994, "N.Y.sculptor dancesher 
 way through steel", Mark St. John Erickson (Illus).
 The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger Star, Sunday, December 11,1994, 
 "Chrysler exhibits encourage you to linger", by Teresa Annas (Illus).
1995 Connecticut Post, Sunday, Feb. 12, 1995 "At SHU, students can be onewith 
 this sculpture" (illus.).
 Sacred Heart Univ. Spectrum, Fairfield, Conn. Sept. 21, 1995, "Brandt's
 PATHS come to life",Danielle Nolan (illus.).
1998 Utrechts Nieuwsblad, The Netherlands, Wednesday, February 11, 1998 
 “Three dimensional fun with flat Mondrians- Helene Brandt’s Mondrian 
 Variations ( “Ruim telijke grappen met platte Mondriaans”) 
 Thea Figee (illus.).
 Stad Amersfoort, The Netherlands, Wed. February 18, 1988 
 “Mondrian Variations by New York Sculptress Helene Brandt (“Mondrian 
 variations’ van New Yorkse beeldhouster Helene Brandt”), Anco Mali.
 De Telegraaf, The Netherlands, Wednesday, February 20, 1998 “Cocksure 
 Mondrian in Three Dimensions” “Eigenwijze Mondriaan in Drie Dimensies”, 
 by Paola Van De Velde.
1999 Riverdale Press, Bronx, NY Thursday Nov. 25, 1999 “Helene Brandt’s work 
 is serious fun - the sculptor’s welded steel pieces invite you to climb in”Rebecca Rothbaum (illus.).
2000 Journal News, White Plains, NY May16 “Bending metal, and the mind”, 
 Georgette Gouveia Sculpture, October 2000,Vol. 19 No.8. p.66. “Welded 
 Sculpture of the 20th Century, D. Domenick Lombardi (illus).
2001 Miami New Times, April 26-May 2 “Three Sculptors: Helene Brandt,
 Priscilla Page, Donna Rosenthal.
2002 Sculpture Magazine June 2002, "Helene Brandt: Metaphysics of Shelter", 
 by Deborah Everett (illus.).
2003 The Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY"Tyler Art Gallery Reception" (illus.)
 The Palladiium Times, Oswego,NY"Inside Out-Helene Brandt at Tyler Art 
 Gallery (illus)
 The New York Times, Sunday, May 25, 2003 "New Look for Bronx Civic 
 Crossroads", David W Dunlap
 The New York Times, Sunday August 24, 2003 "Sticks and Stones 2, 
 Collaborative Concepts, Beacon, NY", D. Dominick Lombardi
2004 Riverdale, Press, Bronx, NY Thursday, June 17, "Enchantment" at Wave Hill 
 Miami Newtimes, Miami, FloridaSeptember 30-October 6, 2004 "Helene Brandt 
 at Bernce	Steinbaum Gallery ", Alfredo Triff(illus.)
2006 "Along the Way, MTA Arts for Transit", Sandra Bloodworth, William Ayres, 
 Monacelli Press, NY (illus) 
1973-75 Columbia University School of the Arts (Welded steel sculpture). 
1976-77 Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, N.Y. (Woodcarving, printmaking).
1980 Northern State College, Aberdeen,South Dakota (Artist in Residence).
1981 Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont (Visiting artist). 
1981 University of Geulph, Geulph, Ontario, Canada (Visiting Artist). 
1983-84 Department of Cultural Affairs, N.Y.,N.Y. (Apprenticeship program).
1984 School of Visual Arts, N.Y.,N.Y., (Guest Artist). 
1986-89 Parsons School of Design, N.Y., N.Y. (Sculpture).
1983-92 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. (Intern program).
1984-94 New York University, N.Y.,N.Y. (Intern program).
2001 Empire State College, State University of New York, Studio Semester Program, N.Y., N.Y. (Visiting artist).
2003 State University of New York at Oswego. (Visiting Artist).
2003-07 Empire State College State University of New York, Studio Semester 
 Program,N.Y., N.Y. (mentor, evaluator) 

2015 "The Experience of Modern Sculpture: A Guide to Enjoying Works of the Last 100 Years", Philip F. Palmeo (Schiffer, July 28, 2015)